Diagnostic anti-structural protein antibodies pairs and antigens for animal health (animal infectious disease ) testing in ELISA test,competitive ELISA test, blocking ELISA test, Lateral flow immunoassay (LFIA), colloidal gold immunochromatographic assay, Chemiluminescent immunoassay (CLIA), turbidimetric inhibition immuno assay (TINIA), and immunonephelometry

Catalog Number: GMP-AD-Pig-8

Definition of the disease: Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is a highly contagious disease caused by foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV; family Picornaviridae, genus Aphthovirus). FMDV serotypes O, A, and Asia1 are widespread in Southeast Asia. In South Korea, small-scale outbreaks of FMDV infection caused by serotype O occurred in March 2000, May 2002, and April 2010, and an outbreak caused by serotype A occurred in January 2010. In contrast, an outbreak during November 2010–April 2011 was much more widespread. We reviewed the progression of this outbreak and methods used to control it, including culling and vaccination of pigs and cattle.

Genemedi produces core animal health diagnostic ingredients-validated antibodies pairs Mouse anti-Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) non-structural protein monoclonal antibodies and structural protein antigens for rapid test kit of animal infectious disease with structural protein to evaluate the animal health of Pig.

The paired antibodies are both monoclonal antibody(mab).

All the antibodies and antiges of animal disease test are suitable for in functional ELISA, and other immunoassays in dignostics.The antibody can act as a capture antibody and detection antibody. Antigens are validated as positive control materials.

Order information

Catalog No.
(1~4, 4 antibodies in pairs)
Size Price(In USD) Qty (Quantity) Sum(In USD)
GMP-AD-Pig-8Ab-1 Size:1mg 3090
GMP-AD-Pig-8Ab-1 Size:10mg 21935
GMP-AD-Pig-8Ab-1 Size:100mg 148000
GMP-AD-Pig-8Ab-2 Size:1mg 3090
GMP-AD-Pig-8Ab-2 Size:10mg 21935
GMP-AD-Pig-8Ab-2 Size:100mg 148000
GMP-AD-Pig-8Ab-3 Size:1mg 3090
GMP-AD-Pig-8Ab-3 Size:10mg 21935
GMP-AD-Pig-8Ab-3 Size:100mg 148000
GMP-AD-Pig-8Ab-4 Size:1mg 3090
GMP-AD-Pig-8Ab-4 Size:10mg 21935
GMP-AD-Pig-8Ab-4 Size:100mg 148000
GMP-AD-Pig-8Ag-1 Size:1mg 3090
GMP-AD-Pig-8Ag-1 Size:10mg 21935
GMP-AD-Pig-8Ag-1 Size:100mg 148000
GMP-AD-Pig-8Ag-2 Size:1mg 3090
GMP-AD-Pig-8Ag-2 Size:10mg 21935
GMP-AD-Pig-8Ag-2 Size:100mg 148000
Shipping Cost: 760.00


GMP-AD-Pig-8Ab, GMP-AD-Pig-8Ag

Cat No. GMP-AD-Pig-8Ab
Antigens structural protein
Antibody Mouse anti-Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) non-structural protein monoclonal antibodies
Resource (expression host) hybridoma
Specics/Isotypes Mouse IgG
Bioactivity validation Antibody Binding, Immunogen in Sandwich Elisa, lateral-flow tests,and other immunoassays in structural protein level test and Pig-diagnositcs.
Antigen description orcine Epidemic Diarrhoea (PED) is caused by a coronavirus named Porcine Epidemic Disease virus (PEDv). Two different types are recognised: PEDv Type I only affects growing pigs whereas PED Type II affects all ages including sucking pigs and mature sows. Type I is seen as a low level endemic disease in the UK with pro-active surveillance only detecting very low numbers annually. Type II is a more virulent strain that caused the death of over 1 million pigs in the USA in 2013-14, with up to 100% mortality seen in piglets less than 7 days old. The AHDB Pork and the APHA are monitoring all suspected cases of PED in the UK, offering a free testing service. The devastation of the disease in the pig industry in the USA prompted governments to make PED a notifiable disease in England and Scotland, by doing this identified cases of the virulent Type II PED can be prevented from spreading.
Purity Purity: ≥95% (SDS-PAGE)
Application Paired antibody immunoassay validation in Sandwich ELISA, Lateral flow immunoassay (LFIA), and other immunoassays;
Formulation Lyophilized from sterile PBS, PH 7.4
Storage Store at -20℃ to -80℃ under sterile conditions. Avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.
Cat No. GMP-AD-Pig-8Ag
Antigens structural protein
Resource (expression host) E.coli
Specics/Isotypes structural protein
Bioactivity validation Antibody Binding, Immunogen in Sandwich Elisa, lateral-flow tests,and other immunoassays in structural protein level test and Pig-diagnositcs.
Tag His
Antigen description orcine Epidemic Diarrhoea (PED) is caused by a coronavirus named Porcine Epidemic Disease virus (PEDv). Two different types are recognised: PEDv Type I only affects growing pigs whereas PED Type II affects all ages including sucking pigs and mature sows. Type I is seen as a low level endemic disease in the UK with pro-active surveillance only detecting very low numbers annually. Type II is a more virulent strain that caused the death of over 1 million pigs in the USA in 2013-14, with up to 100% mortality seen in piglets less than 7 days old. The AHDB Pork and the APHA are monitoring all suspected cases of PED in the UK, offering a free testing service. The devastation of the disease in the pig industry in the USA prompted governments to make PED a notifiable disease in England and Scotland, by doing this identified cases of the virulent Type II PED can be prevented from spreading.
Purity Purity: ≥95% (SDS-PAGE)
Application Paired antibody immunoassay validation in Sandwich ELISA, Lateral flow immunoassay (LFIA), and other immunoassays;
Formulation Lyophilized from sterile PBS, PH 7.4
Storage Store at -20℃ to -136℃ under sterile conditions. Avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.