Restriction Map
Format Conversion
Sequence Analysis
Sequence Figures
Random Sequences

DNA/cDNA/RNA/Genome/Genomics/Bioinformatics Tools:
Restriction Map accepts a DNA sequence and returns a textual map showing the positions of restriction endonuclease cut sites.

Restriction Map accepts a DNA sequence and returns a textual map showing the positions of restriction endonuclease cut sites. The translation of the DNA sequence is also given, in the reading frame you specify. Use the output of this program as a reference when planning cloning strategies. Restriction Map supports the entire IUPAC alphabet and several genetic codes.

Restriction Map

Paste a raw sequence or one or more FASTA sequences into the text area below. Input limit is 100,000,000 characters.

  • Show bases per line.
  • Show the translation for reading frame
  • Use the genetic code.
  • Treat sequences as molecules.
  • Generate output.

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