Codon Plot
Format Conversion
Sequence Analysis
Sequence Figures
Random Sequences

DNA/cDNA/RNA/Genome/Genomics/Bioinformatics Tools:
Codon Plot accepts a DNA sequence and generates a graphical plot consisting of a horizontal bar for each codon.

Codon Plot accepts a DNA sequence and generates a graphical plot consisting of a horizontal bar for each codon. The length of the bar is proportional to the frequency of the codon in the codon frequency table you enter. Use Codon Plot to find portions of DNA sequence that may be poorly expressed, or to view a graphic representation of a codon usage table (by using a DNA sequence consisting of one of each codon type).

Codon Plot

Paste the raw or FASTA sequence into the text area below. Input limit is 50,000,000 characters.

Enter the codon table you wish to use for the genetic code (in GCG format). The default codon usage table was generated using all the E. coli coding sequences in GenBank. It was obtained from the Codon Usage Database.

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