Mutate DNA
Format Conversion
Sequence Analysis
Sequence Figures
Random Sequences

DNA/cDNA/RNA/Genome/Genomics/Bioinformatics Tools:
Mutate DNA introduces base changes into a DNA sequence.

Mutate DNA introduces base changes into a DNA sequence. You can select the number of mutations to introduce, and whether or not to preserve the first and last three bases in the sequence, to reflect selection acting to maintain start and stop codons. The position of each mutation is chosen randomly, and multiple mutations can occur at a single site. Mutated sequences can be used to evaluate the significance of sequence analysis results.

Mutate DNA

Paste the raw sequence or one or more FASTA sequences into the text area below. Input limit is 1,000,000,000 characters.

  • Introduce mutations into each sequence.
  • The first three bases in each sequence be mutated.
  • The last three bases in each sequence be mutated.

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