Anti-VHH monoclonal antibody (mAb)

Anti-VHH monoclonal antibody (mAb) is used in the preparation of CAR-T cells that are manufactured within the services involving lentivirus packaging to pin point specific antigens on targets. VHH is a nanobody or single-domain antibody highly stable and penetrating because of its small size allowing for a better targeting of cancer cells. When lentivirally encoded and implanted into CAR-T cells, Anti-VHH enhances the creation of targeted therapeutic approaches against tumors with high selectivity and minimal side effects.

Check the application of VHH in CAR-T Cell Preparation-Lentivirus Packaging

Order information

Catalog No. Product Name Size Price(In USD)
GMLS-Tag002-Ab01-PE200 Anti-VHH mAb(PE) 200T $1,188.00
GMLS-Tag002-Ab01-FITC200 Anti-VHH mAb(FITC) 200T $1,188.00
GMLS-Tag002-Ab01-APC200 Anti-VHH mAb(APC) 200T $1,188.00
GMLS-Tag002-Ab01 Anti-VHH human monoclonal antibody (mAb) 1 mg
GMLS-Tag002-Ab02 Anti-VHH mouse monoclonal antibody (mAb) 1 mg
GMLS-Tag002-Ab03 Anti-VHH mouse monoclonal antibody (mAb) 1 mg

Size: 1mg | 10mg | 100mg


Anti-VHH human monoclonal antibody (mAb)

Cat No. GMLS-Tag002-Ab01, GMLS-Tag002-Ab01-PE200, GMLS-Tag002-Ab01-FITC200, GMLS-Tag002-Ab01-APC200
Product Name Anti-VHH human monoclonal antibody (mAb)
Target VHH
Expression platform mammalian cell
Isotypes Human IgG1
Bioactivity validation VHH binding, Competitive immunoassay validation (Competitive ELISA) in VHH level test.
Tag hFc
Products description Anti-VHH monoclonal antibody is expressed from mammalian cell.
Species Human
Conjugate Null/PE/FIT/APC
Purity Purity: ≥95% (SDS-PAGE)
Application Competitive immunoassay validation (Competitive ELISA) and other Immunoassay, PK & PD assay for VHH payload of Antibody-drug Conjugate (ADC).
Formulation & Reconstitution Lyophilized from GM's Protein Stability Buffer2 (PSB2,Confidential Ingredients) or PBS (pH7.4);
For PSB2, reconstituted with 0.9% sodium chloride;
For PBS, reconstituted with ddH2O.
Storage Store at -20℃ to -80℃ under sterile conditions. Avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.

Anti-VHH mouse monoclonal antibody (mAb)

Cat No. GMLS-Tag002-Ab02, GMLS-Tag002-Ab03
Product Name Anti-VHH mouse monoclonal antibody (mAb)
Target VHH
Expression platform mammalian cell
Isotypes Mouse IgG
Bioactivity validation VHH binding, Competitive immunoassay validation (Competitive ELISA) in VHH level test.
Tag mFc
Products description Anti-VHH mouse monoclonal antibody (mAb) is expressed from mammalian cell.
Species Mouse
Purity Purity: ≥95% (SDS-PAGE)
Application Competitive immunoassay validation (Competitive ELISA) and other Immunoassay, PK & PD assay for VHH payload of Antibody-drug Conjugate (ADC).
Formulation & Reconstitution Lyophilized from GM's Protein Stability Buffer2 (PSB2,Confidential Ingredients) or PBS (pH7.4);
For PSB2, reconstituted with 0.9% sodium chloride;
For PBS, reconstituted with ddH2O.
Storage Store at -20℃ to -80℃ under sterile conditions. Avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.


    Validation Data

    GMLS-Tag002-Ab01 effectively detects VHH-based format ant-Target CAR expression with great consistency with the target protein

    Target protein (antigen) is usually used to detect anti-target CAR expression. For example, CD19 recombinant protein is used as a detection antigen for CAR position rate detection. However, the target protein is unique, expensive, and hard to produce. GeneMedi’s anti-VHH antibody is a universal strategy for the detection of VHH-based format anti-Target CAR expression.

    293T cells were transfected with CAR plasmids expressing VHH antibodies specific to target1, target2, target3, and target4. Following transfection, the expression of the corresponding CARs was confirmed using the specific recombinant proteins, GMLS-Tag002-Ab01, and a commercial Anti-VHH antibody (Company G).

    The recombinant proteins were used as positive controls to benchmark CAR-positive detection. Statistical Analysis uses the positive detection ratio of GMLS-Tag002-Ab01 or Anti-VHH antibody (Company G) relative to the antigen-based detection. GMLS-Tag002-Ab01 achieves a consistency ratio close to 1.0. The data shows that the positive detection rate with GMLS-Tag002-Ab01 was comparable to that of the antigens, demonstrating nearly identical performance to the positive control. In contrast, the anti-VHH antibody (Company G) exhibited higher or lower detection sensitivity. The results indicate that GMLS-Tag002-Ab01 effectively detects the expressed VHH antibodies (nanobody, VHH-based bispecific antibody) on CAR-transfected 293T cells with high accuracy, comparable to the recombinant proteins. This establishes GMLS-Tag002-Ab01 as a reliable tool for detecting CAR expression in similar experiments.

    VHH ELISA Validation

    Figure. GMLS-Tag002-Ab01 effectively evaluates the expression of anti-Target nanobody (VHH) on CAR-transfected 293T cells with higher specificity in flow cytometry.

    A. The scatter plot shows the fluorescence intensity of CAR-expressing 293T cells stained with GMLS-Tag002-Ab01, Anti-VHH antibody (Company G), and the specific recombinant target protein (positive control).

    B. GeneMedi's anti-VHH antibody shows great consistency with the antigen-based evaluation strategy in VHH-based format CAR expressing cell QC. Statistical Analysis uses the positive detection ratio of GMLS-Tag002-Ab01 or Anti-VHH antibody from Company G relative to the target protein-based detection.

    Click to get more Data / Case study about the product.

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