TMPRSS15: Target/Biomarker Introduction, products summarized (antibody/ADC/bispecific/antigen/ORF vector/VLP) and disease/indication/condition/MOA for drug discovery and IVD

It's the GeneMedi's summary page for Target/Biomarker Introduction of TMPRSS15. The page also collects GeneMedi's different modalities and formats products for TMPRSS15 in therapeutics/drug discovery and IVD diagnostics, which is including antibody, ADC, bispecific, antigen, ORF vector, VLP, etc. With GeneMedi's target-insight database-GM ITD database, the TMPRSS15 target is also connected to human indications/diseases/conditions/MOA.

Target sublocation: Introcelluar Protein.

This gene encodes an enzyme that converts the pancreatic proenzyme trypsinogen to trypsin, which activates other proenzymes including chymotrypsinogen and procarboxypeptidases. The precursor protein is cleaved into two chains that form a heterodimer linked by a disulfide bond. This protein is a member of the trypsin family of peptidases. Mutations in this gene cause enterokinase deficiency, a malabsorption disorder characterized by diarrhea and failure to thrive. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008]

Target IDGM-IP0123
Target NameTMPRSS15
Gene ID5651,19146,288291,100423099,487700,101088868,282009,100067591
Gene Symbol and SynonymsENTK,PRSS7,TMPRSS15
Uniprot AccessionP98073,P98072
Protein Sub-locationIntrocelluar Protein
CategoryTherapeutics Target
Gene EnsemblENSG00000154646
Target ClassificationN/A

Pre-made anti-TMPRSS15 inhibitory monoclonal antibody(mab, blocking antibody inhibitor)-benchmark antibody for drug discovery and mechanism of action (MOA) research

Pre-made anti-TMPRSS15 monoclonal antibody(mab) is expressed by mammalian cell line as a benchmark antibody for cell culture, ELISA or other affinity binding assay or functional assay development, animal model development, PK/PD model development (Pharmacokinetics & Pharmacodynamic). The anti-TMPRSS15 mab is expressed and produced by mammalian cell line as a benchmark reference therapeutic antibody for biological drug discovery items including cell culture, assay development, animal model development, PK/PD model development (Pharmacokinetics & Pharmacodynamic) and mechanism of action (MOA) research.

Antibody NameSpeciesFormatClassified by tagDetail
Anti-TMPRSS15 monoclonal antibodyHuman, Cynomolgus/ Rhesus macaque, Rat, Mouse, Feline, Canine, Bovine, EquinemabTherapeutics Target antibodyDetail

Recombinant multi-species ENTK/ TMPRSS15/ PRSS7 protein for cell curture, in vitro study, in vivo study, benchmark, drug discovery & MOA research and positive control for the diagnosis

Genemedi produces Human, Cynomolgus/ Rhesus macaque, Rat, Mouse, Feline, Canine, Bovine, Equine TMPRSS15 protein for cell curture, in vitro study, in vivo study, benchmark, drug discovery & MOA research and positive control for the diagnosis.

Products NameSpeciesExpression PlatformDetail
TMPRSS15 proteinHuman, Cynomolgus/ Rhesus macaque, Rat, Mouse, Feline, Canine, Bovine, EquineMammalian cellDetail

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