AD-associated neuaronal thread protein (AD7c-NTP) antibody and antigen (Recombinant protein)

Diagnostic AD-associated neuaronal thread protein (AD7c-NTP) antibodies (anti-AD-associated neuaronal thread protein, anti-AD7c-NTP) and antigens (recombinant AD-associated neuaronal thread protein (AD7c-NTP) protein) for Neurodegenerative diseases AD7c-NTP detection in ELISA, colloidal gold-based Lateral flow immunoassay (LFIA), CLIA, TINIA and POCT.

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Product information

Catalog No. Description US $ Price (per mg) First Order Discount First Order Discount Price
GMP-h-AD7c-NTP-Ag01 Recombinant human AD7c-NTP Protein 3090
GMP-h-AD7c-NTP-Ab01 Anti-human AD7c-NTP mouse monoclonal antibody (mAb) 1953 20% 1562.4
GMP-h-AD7c-NTP-Ab02 Anti-human AD7c-NTP mouse monoclonal antibody (mAb) 1953 20% 1562.4
GMP-h-AD7c-NTP-Ab03 Anti-human AD7c-NTP human monoclonal antibody (mAb) 1953 20% 1562.4
GMP-h-AD7c-NTP-Ab04 Anti-human AD7c-NTP human monoclonal antibody (mAb) 1953 20% 1562.4

Size: 1mg | 10mg | 100mg

Product Description

Cat No. of Products GMP-h-AD7c-NTP-Ag01
Product Name Recombinant human AD7c-NTP Protein
Target/Biomarker AD-associated neuaronal thread protein (AD7c-NTP)
Expression platform mammalian
Isotypes Recombinant Antigen
Bioactivity validation AD-associated neuaronal thread protein (AD7c-NTP) antibodies binding, Immunogen in Sandwich Elisa, lateral-flow tests, and other immunoassays as control material in AD7c-NTP level test of Neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer Disease (AD)) and related syndrome evaluation.
Tag His
Products description Recombinant human AD7c-NTP Protein was expressed in mammalian expression system and is expressed with 6 HIS tag at the C-terminus.
Purity Purity: ≥95% (SDS-PAGE)
Application positive control, ELISA test,Lateral flow immunoassay (LFIA),colloidal gold immunochromatographic assay, Chemiluminescent immunoassay (CLIA),turbidimetric inhibition immuno assay (TINIA) and Immunonephelometry.
Formulation & Reconstitution Lyophilized from GM's Protein Stability Buffer2 (PSB2,Confidential Ingredients) or PBS (pH7.4); For PSB2, reconstituted with 0.9% sodium chloride; For PBS, reconstituted with ddH2O.
Storage Store at -20℃ to -80℃ under sterile conditions. Avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.

Cat No. of Products GMP-h-AD7c-NTP-Ab01, GMP-h-AD7c-NTP-Ab02
Product Name Anti-human AD7c-NTP mouse monoclonal antibody (mAb)
Target/Biomarker AD-associated neuaronal thread protein (AD7c-NTP)
Expression platform CHO
Isotypes Mouse IgG
Bioactivity validation AD-associated neuaronal thread protein (AD7c-NTP) antibodies binding, Immunogen in Sandwich Elisa, lateral-flow tests, and other immunoassays as control material in AD7c-NTP level test of Neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer Disease (AD)) and related syndrome evaluation.
Tag mFc
Products description Anti-human AD7c-NTP mouse monoclonal antibody (mAb) was expressed in CHO expression system and is expressed with 6 HIS tag at the C-terminus.
Purity Purity: ≥95% (SDS-PAGE)
Application ELISA test, Lateral flow immunoassay (LFIA), colloidal gold immunochromatographic assay, Chemiluminescent immunoassay (CLIA), turbidimetric inhibition immuno assay (TINIA), immunonephelometry and POCT
Formulation & Reconstitution Lyophilized from GM's Protein Stability Buffer2 (PSB2,Confidential Ingredients) or PBS (pH7.4); For PSB2, reconstituted with 0.9% sodium chloride; For PBS, reconstituted with ddH2O.
Storage Store at -20℃ to -80℃ under sterile conditions. Avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.

Cat No. of Products GMP-h-AD7c-NTP-Ab03, GMP-h-AD7c-NTP-Ab04
Product Name Anti-human AD7c-NTP human monoclonal antibody (mAb)
Target/Biomarker AD-associated neuaronal thread protein (AD7c-NTP)
Expression platform CHO
Isotypes Human lgG1
Bioactivity validation AD-associated neuaronal thread protein (AD7c-NTP) antibodies binding, Immunogen in Sandwich Elisa, lateral-flow tests, and other immunoassays as control material in AD7c-NTP level test of Neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer Disease (AD)) and related syndrome evaluation.
Tag hFc
Products description Anti-human AD7c-NTP human monoclonal antibody (mAb) was expressed in CHO expression system and is expressed with 6 HIS tag at the C-terminus.
Purity Purity: ≥95% (SDS-PAGE)
Application ELISA test, Lateral flow immunoassay (LFIA), colloidal gold immunochromatographic assay, Chemiluminescent immunoassay (CLIA), turbidimetric inhibition immuno assay (TINIA), immunonephelometry and POCT
Formulation & Reconstitution Lyophilized from GM's Protein Stability Buffer2 (PSB2,Confidential Ingredients) or PBS (pH7.4); For PSB2, reconstituted with 0.9% sodium chloride; For PBS, reconstituted with ddH2O.
Storage Store at -20℃ to -80℃ under sterile conditions. Avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.


    Validation Data

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    Target/Biomarker information

    Dementia in Alzheimer's disease (AD) is ultimately due to cell loss. The AD-associated neuronal thread protein (AD7c-NTP) gene encodes a approximately 41 kD membrane-spanning phosphoprotein that causes apoptosis and neuritic sprouting in transfected neuronal cells. The AD7c-NTP gene is over-expressed in AD beginning early in the course of disease. In the brain, increased AD7c-NTP immunoreactivity is associated with phospho-tau-immunoreactive cytoskeletal lesions, but not with amyloid-beta accumulations. The levels of AD7c-NTP in postmortem brain tissue correlate with the levels measured in paired ventricular fluid samples, suggesting that the protein is secreted or released by dying cells into cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). In this regard, elevated levels of AD7c-NTP can be detected in both CSF and urine of patients with early or moderately severe AD, and the CSF and urinary levels of AD7c-NTP correlate with the severity of dementia. The newest configuration of the AD7c-NTP assay, termed "7c Gold", has greater than 90% aggregate results from a number of studies suggest that AD7c-NTP is an excellent biomarker that could be helpful in the routine clinical evaluation of elderly patients at risk for AD.

    About GDU


    GDU helps global diagnostic partners in high quality of raw material discovery, development, and application. GDU believes in Protein&antibody Innovation for more reliable diagnostic solutions.


    Robert Miller 2023-02-02 09:51:09
    Genemedi's Human AD7c-NTP is a highly reliable material, with high quality data necessary for neurobiology studies and diagnostic tests.

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