Mycoplasma Detection And Elimination
Mycoplasma are small, simple bacteria which lack a cell wall and resistant to many common antibiotics such as penicillin and streptomycin. Once infect, they can induce changes to the cell cultures, including altered growth rates, morphological changes, chromosomal aberrations, and altered cell metabolism. Thus, contamination of mycoplasma is a major problem in cell culture technology. Many cell lines infected by mycoplasmas have been successfully treated with CurePlasmaTM, including hybridomas, lymphocytes, epithelial cells, murine embryonic stem cells, and retrovirus packaging cells. It has been shown that treatment with CurePlasma restores cellular responses following mycoplasma clearance(Figure1). Click here to purchase Cureplasma™ Mycoplasma Elimination Reagent
An Introduction to Cell Contamination and Mycoplasma Elimation
- 1. Cell culture and cell contamination
- 2. Mycoplasma contamination
- 3. Mycoplasma detection
- 4. Mycoplasma elimination
1. Cell culture and cell contamination
Cell culture is the process by which cells are grown under controlled conditions, generally outside their natural environment. Life science research using cell cultures has resulted in numerous improvements to the treatment of human disease. In addition, with the advent of stem cell technology, cultured cells are themselves becoming therapeutics. In this light, cell culture contamination could be one of the biggest hindrances to scientific progress today. Cell contaminations are not restricted to occasionally detected infections with bacteria, yeast, or fungi originating from unsterile cell culture technique, but also comprise hidden infections with slowly growing bacteria, various viruses, and cross-contaminating eukaryotic cells from other cell cultures that are not evident during routine cell culture monitoring. Of these, according to ATCC, mycoplasma contaminations exhibit the highest prevalence, with more than 20% of infected cultures. Mycoplasma can alter a great variety of cellular characteristics and often leads to experimental artefacts and spurious results.2. Mycoplasma contamination
Mycoplasmas are the smallest free-living organisms and considered to be the simplest of bacteria. They belong to the bacterial class Mollicutes, whose members are distinguished by their lack of a cell wall and their plasma-like form. The first strains of mycoplasma were isolated at the Pasteur Institute in 1898, and to date, 20 of the roughly 190 known species have been identified as bona fide contaminants of laboratory cell cultures. Owing to their extremely basic genomes, mycoplasmas must function as parasites in order to meet their energy and biosynthesis demands. Given their tiny size (typically less than one micrometer), mycoplasma contamination are undetectable by the naked eye or even by optical microscopy; thus, they typically go undetected for extended periods of time. Moreover, given their lack of a cell wall, they are resistant to many common antibiotics such as penicillin and streptomycin. Hundreds of mycoplasmas can attach to a single eukaryotic cell, eventually invading the host by fusing with the cell membrane. Upon entry into the cell, mycoplasmas multiply, eventually outnumbering host cells by 1000-fold, and they circumvent host defenses to survive. Mycoplasma can compete with host cells for biosynthetic precursors and nutrients and can alter DNA, RNA and protein synthesis, diminish amino acid and ATP levels, introduce chromosomal alterations, and modify host-cell plasma membrane antigens. A microarray analysis on contaminated cultured human cells has revealed the severe effects that mycoplasmas can have on the expression of hundreds of genes, including some that encode receptors, ion channels, growth factors and oncogenes. Moreover, mycoplasmas contain highly immunogenic lipoproteins anchored on the outer face of the plasma membrane. These lipoproteins are recognized by specific pattern recognition receptors on immune cells-in particular, Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2). Upon recognition of mycoplasmal lipoproteins, TLR2 induces the NF-kB pathway, which leads to activation of these cells and consequently, to biased experimental results. Based on studies by FDA, ATCC, and others, it is estimated that 11% to 15% (or more) of all cell cultures today are contaminated with mycoplasma. The most common source of mycoplasma contamination in cell culture research is another previously infected culture brought into the laboratory. Another major source is the laboratory worker as human mycoplasma continues to be a major source of mycoplasma contamination in cell culture. Mycoplasma contamination can be best prevented by a strict policy of quarantining all incoming cell lines until testing has confirmed the absence of mycoplasma. Besides, routine test for mycoplasma contamination is recommended for all laboratories carrying out cell culture whether in-house or contracted out. There are several assured ways of detecting mycoplasma contamination, including fluorescent staining, ELISA, PCR, immunostaining, autoradiography, or microbiological assays.3. Mycoplasma detection
Working with authenticated cell lines free from mycoplasma contamination is a prerequisite for the generation of robust, reliable, and reproducible data in the biomedical research field. It is always a good practice to check cell lines on a regular basis for mycoplasma contamination. The difficulty in controlling a particular contaminant is often related to its ease of detection. Most bacterial and fungal contaminations will cause the medium to turn cloudy and quickly kill the cells in culture. However, mycoplasmas are undetectable by the naked eye or even by optical microscopy. Nowadays, there are a number of mycoplasma tests available, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. The full selection of mycoplasma detection kits available make the tedious ongoing process of mycoplasma test much more efficient and less worrisome. The three most popular methods for mycoplasma detection include mycoplasma culture, DNA staining method and PCR. a) Agar-and-broth procedure For a long time, microbiological cultivation in broth and subsequently on agar, also known as the agar and broth procedure, was regarded as the most sensitive and specific mycoplasma test and was commonly used as the reference method (the “gold standard”). In this test, a sample of the suspected cultures is added to agar plates that have been set up as absolute mycoplasma heaven. The idea is to give them everything they could ever want, so that any mycoplasma contamination present in the cell culture at the time of sampling will grow and be readily apparent on agar test plates (Figure3). However, it takes a month to obtain the result. Moreover, the mycoplasma detection reagents, like medium, are complex with a relatively short shelf-life and live positive controls must be included.