How to order

Q: How to place an order?

A: Please refer to online order and purchase order.

Q: How to pay?

A: Please refer to how to pay.

Q: Through which ways does Genemedi receive payment? Will you take credit card?

A: Yes, Genemedi accepts bank transmission, credit-card payment.

Q: May I get a discount of my order?

A: Normally Yes, our account manager will give you a level of discount depends on the order value, promotion events and your actual requirements. Please contact us to get a quote.

Q: In which ways does Genemedi provide customer service after delivery?

A: Customers' success is our mission. For any questions of our products or services, please contact our tech support. If we did not meet our validation criteria or guarantees of quality, you can ask a special discount, other products or full refund.

Q: What if the customize products do not work properly?

A: For gene synthesis and peptide synthesis, we guarantee 100% accuracy of delivery, otherwise you will get full refund. For custom antibody production, we can promise to reach a top level affinity standard, if it is not, we will refund all the payment. However to some applications, we do not guarantee the end-use success of each project.

Q: What about the customs duties for oversea customers?

A: All of our quote will only include local tax. The customs duties may depends on the rules of destination countries, Genemedi will make clear descriptions of our products and provide any help necessary.

Q: How will my order be shipped?

A: Please refer to shipping information.

Q: How could you make sure a safe delivery?

A: Genemedi will make tight seal package with dry ice or any media necessary for 7-day delivery. The quality service of DHL and FedEx can also help us to control time and shipment safety. Based on our hundreds of delivery experiences, we can 100% sure our products will arrive at your labs in perfect condition.

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Telephone: +86-21-50478399   Fax: 86-21-50478399
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