iagnostic antibodies and antigens for Caprine/Goat disease testing
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Goats are important domestic animals in many parts of the world. They provide substance in the form
of food and clothing. The rising demand for goat meat, milk, and cheese offers commercial goat
production opportunities. Goats are also a source of immediate income. The management of goat health
is a critical aspect for improving goat production. It is important to understand health and disease
of goat. Hence, Genemedi developed the antigen and antibody to detect the disease such as abortions
and mortality in neonates, akabane disease, bacteremia, cholangitis, bluetongue disease, caprine
pleuropneumonia, chlamydiosis, cholecystitis, congenital diseases, contagious agalactia,
gastroenteritis, leptospirosis, maedi visna virus infection, paratuberculosis, Q fever, respiratory
syndrome, rift valley fever, schmallenberg disease, septicemic colibacillosis, traveler's diarrhea,
trichomoniasis, urinary tract infection (UTI) and so on.