MAP3K14: Target/Biomarker Introduction, products summarized (antibody/ADC/bispecific/antigen/ORF vector/VLP) and disease/indication/condition/MOA for drug discovery and IVD

It's the GeneMedi's summary page for Target/Biomarker Introduction of MAP3K14. The page also collects GeneMedi's different modalities and formats products for MAP3K14 in therapeutics/drug discovery and IVD diagnostics, which is including antibody, ADC, bispecific, antigen, ORF vector, VLP, etc. With GeneMedi's target-insight database-GM ITD database, the MAP3K14 target is also connected to human indications/diseases/conditions/MOA.

Target sublocation: Introcelluar Protein.

This gene encodes mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 14, which is a serine/threonine protein-kinase. This kinase binds to TRAF2 and stimulates NF-kappaB activity. It shares sequence similarity with several other MAPKK kinases. It participates in an NF-kappaB-inducing signalling cascade common to receptors of the tumour-necrosis/nerve-growth factor (TNF/NGF) family and to the interleukin-1 type-I receptor. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008]

Target IDGM-T95736
Target NameMAP3K14
Gene ID9020,53859,360640,716258,490926,101083468,508367,100050140
Gene Symbol and Synonymsaly,FTDCR1B,HS,HSNIK,MAP3K14,NIK
Uniprot AccessionQ99558
Uniprot Entry NameM3K14_HUMAN
Protein Sub-locationIntrocelluar Protein
CategoryTherapeutics Target
Gene EnsemblENSG00000006062
Target ClassificationCheckpoint-Immuno Oncology, Kinase

Pre-made anti-MAP3K14 inhibitory monoclonal antibody(mab, blocking antibody inhibitor)-benchmark antibody for drug discovery and mechanism of action (MOA) research

Pre-made anti-MAP3K14 monoclonal antibody(mab) is expressed by mammalian cell line as a benchmark antibody for cell culture, ELISA or other affinity binding assay or functional assay development, animal model development, PK/PD model development (Pharmacokinetics & Pharmacodynamic). The anti-MAP3K14 mab is expressed and produced by mammalian cell line as a benchmark reference therapeutic antibody for biological drug discovery items including cell culture, assay development, animal model development, PK/PD model development (Pharmacokinetics & Pharmacodynamic) and mechanism of action (MOA) research.

Antibody NameSpeciesFormatClassified by tagDetail
Anti-MAP3K14 monoclonal antibodyHuman, Cynomolgus/ Rhesus macaque, Rat, Mouse, Feline, Canine, Bovine, EquinemabTherapeutics Target antibodyDetail

Recombinant multi-species M3K14/ MAP3K14/ FTDCR1B protein for cell curture, in vitro study, in vivo study, benchmark, drug discovery & MOA research and positive control for the diagnosis

Genemedi produces Human, Cynomolgus/ Rhesus macaque, Rat, Mouse, Feline, Canine, Bovine, Equine MAP3K14 protein for cell curture, in vitro study, in vivo study, benchmark, drug discovery & MOA research and positive control for the diagnosis.

Products NameSpeciesExpression PlatformDetail
MAP3K14 proteinHuman, Cynomolgus/ Rhesus macaque, Rat, Mouse, Feline, Canine, Bovine, EquineMammalian cellDetail

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